Friday, February 28, 2020

Drinks Market and Smoking Ban Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Drinks Market and Smoking Ban - Case Study Example It also focuses on the impact ban on smokers has on the cider market in UK along with the impact of the reduction of duties on the ciders. The UK retains relatively high levels of alcohol consumption. Historically, the country has been associated with brewing and distilling, the drinking of bitter in pubs and the consumption of whisky, a product historically tied in to Scotland. The trend for young people in their twenties to feel they can get drunk is being followed by teenagers who generally take an inspiration from the older people. (ICAP, 2007) This has resulted in more number of cases on 'binge' drinking - getting drunk more number of times within a very short time. The media suggests that this has been the main reason behind the increase in number of crimes at night. It is worth mentioning that studies show that of the people indulging in crimes at night, 80% of the cases were said to be committed by people between the age group of 20 and 30. When a bartender was asked about the increase in the drinking habits among the youth, he said, "'There's always someone asking for "one more bottle". Also the fact that publ ic transport in many places stops just before midnight, so if they miss the last bus (costing say 1.50), they'll have to get a taxi (costing say 10), so they feel that it is better to spend money on drinks rather than on the expensive taxi." Philip, from Kidderminster, commented "I like drinking beer because there are many different types of traditional British beer to try and also as it is nice to meet up in a pub with friends." These factors, coupled with the lethargic attitude of the government of UK have led to boost of sales of not just Magners, but other brands as well. Coming to the laws laid out by the Government, which say that serving alcohol should be stopped at 11 PM. All these factors have been immensely helping the brands to execute their strategies and tap the markets. In fact, the brands have been focusing on aggressive promotions in places close to various universities, which have been severely criticized by eminent educationists who feel that this could increase the crime rates in the universities. The Government too has come under severe criticism for remaining as a mute spectator to all this. Hence, it can be inevitably said that the above-mentioned factors did go a long way in making the most by the brands, who've always considered youth centric places as demographic markets, which needed to be tapped appropriately. The success of Magners clearly illustrates as to how successful marketing campaigns coupled with aggression can boost the overall performance and growth of a firm. The television advertisements of the brand have been described as the marketing success of the decade and more and more people shower

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The role of Tropomyosin in Zebrafish development Dissertation

The role of Tropomyosin in Zebrafish development - Dissertation Example Tropomyosin is a long protein strand composed of two fully alpha helical chains in a coiled-coil dimmer, and binds along the length of the actin filament. It is also bound to bead-like protein complex, troponin, in which, together, they regulate the actin-myosin interactions in muscle contraction† (Biology Online). They are the one moving the actin filament through generating force by elongating one end of the filament coupled with shrinkage of the other, causing net movement of the intervening strand. And as actin filaments are moved, they act like a molecular switch for the movement of myosin molecules that are attach to the actin filaments and walks along them. Then cell division and morphing follows. Thus, Tropomyosin plays a significant role in cell morphology, as well as cell division, size and shape. Zebrafish is mostly used as model for researches. They have a number of unique characteristics that makes it a fantastic species for investigating vertebrate development and for modelling human disease, genetics and biology. However, they also have disadvantages. Advantages:1.Inexpensive.2.The embryos are transparent.3The embryos develop quickly; they go from a single cell to something that is recognisable as a tiny fish for within 24 hours. A mouse takes 21 days.4.The embryos can be physically manipulated genetically. You can transplant a single cell or group of cells into host embryos.5. The eggs are externally fertilised; embryos develop outside the mother’s body... The government is willing to fund zebrafish researchers and provide screening tools which will dramatically advance the ability to detect and characterise genes, pathways and phenotypes of interest for aging, development, organ formation, sensory processes, disease processes, and other areas. For they believe that results could be studied for the cure of some human diseases could also be made. It is likely that blood function and heart development in zebrafish are similar to humans. Some mutations on zebrafish embryos might mimic human syndromes, understanding them will provide us valuable insight as to the underlying problem. Such an understanding may lead to new treatments. That is why the government encourages and is willing to fund investigator-initiated applications designed to exploit the power of the zebrafish as a vertebrate model for biomedical and behavioral research. Reseach Methods. Tropomyosin (Tpm) proteins, encoded by four Tpm genes (Tpm1–4), are associated with the stabilization of the F-actin filaments and play important roles in modulating muscle contraction. So far, little is known about Tpm4 function in embryonic heart development and its involvement in the cardiovascular diseases. Study the functions of different isoforms of tpm4 in embryonic heartbeat in zebrafish. Generate a transgenic zebrafish line by insertion of a Tol2 transposon gene trap vector. Observe by transmission electron microscopy to reveal the ventricular myocytes of mutant fish contained. Study if Tpm1-4 would be stable for a zebrafish. 1. Fish and gene trapping. 2. TAIL-PCR, RT-PCR, and tpm4 cDNA cloning. 3. Whole-mount in situ hybridisation, mopholinos, microinjection and genotyping. 4. Transmission electron microscopy. Cited Works: Zhao, Long, et. Al. Heart